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Acuparse Version 3.0 Update Guide

Version 3.0 includes major updates and database changes! If you are currently using the Webcam Scripts and or the JSON/HTML data endpoints, you will need to update your scripts to reflect the new data locations.

NOTE: You will break your Webcam watermarks and JSON/HTML endpoints after the update!

It's highly recommended that you make a backup of your install, especially your database, before continuing.

mysqldump -u<MYSQL_USER> -p<MYSQL_PASSWORD> acuparse > <BACKUP_TMP_DIR>/mysql.sql


The GIT branch for releases is changing from master to stable during this release. Running the script below will update your repository to pull code from the new branch. The script will also attempt to update your Apache config, to enable options needed for the API.

Docker Support

Initial Docker support comes with Version 3. Note that this is still in early support and there may be bugs lingering. Please open a support ticket for any trouble using the Docker Container or Docker Compose.

The image is hosted on Docker Hub

API and JSON Data

The JSON data endpoint has been moved to the API. You must update any scripts you are using to get data from the new API. For details see docs/

Browser/Proxy Timeouts

During the upgrade, the browser can timeout or not refresh as expected.

If you are using Cloudflare proxy you should disable it before the update, or you could receive Error 524 timeouts.

The script will still be running in the background. You can watch the update progress on the command line by running.

tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep "(SYSTEM){UPDATER}"

To check after the update

cat /var/log/syslog | grep "(SYSTEM){UPDATER}"

Look for (SYSTEM){UPDATER}: DONE 3.0.0

Access or SmartHub

Starting with Version 3, only one device is supported. If you are currently using both an Access and a SmartHub, Acuparse will only use your Access. To use the SmartHub instead, update your sensor configuration with your Hub MAC.


The webcam scripts have been updated. Recommend copying your values from your old scripts, to the new ones.

The webcam watermark location has changed. Find and update the below lines within your remote/combined webcam scripts.

  • STATION_INFO=$(wget '' -q -O -)

No Data Messages

You may receive no data messages on your dashboard after updating. This is caused by database timestamps being reset during the update. These messages should disappear once new readings are received.


  • You must run the updater script to update your local config for Version 3.

    curl -O && sudo bash update_v3 | tee ~/acuparse.log
  • After running the update script, visit your Acuparse install to complete the update.

Migrate from 2.10 based local install to a Container-based install

The v3 update script is not required when migrating to a container.

You must review the Docker Install Guide to properly configure your containers

When using Docker Compose the /var/opt/acuparse/backups directory inside the DB/APP containers is linked to /opt/acuparse/volumes/backups on your host machine.

  1. Copy existing /opt/acuparse/src/usr/config.php to config.php.migrate in a temporary/working directory.
  2. Edit config.php.migrate and update the database host from localhost to db.
  3. Backup the database mysqldump -uacuparse -p<PASSWORD> acuparse > dbbackup.sql.
  4. Start the Acuparse containers by running acuparse start.
  5. Copy the database backup and config to the backup directory. cp dbbackup.sql config.php.migrate /opt/acuparse/volumes/backups
  6. Run acuparse dbconsole then execute
    1. mysql -uacuparse -p<PASSWORD> -e "DROP DATABASE acuparse;".
    2. mysql -uacuparse -p<PASSWORD> acuparse < /var/opt/acuparse/backups/dbbackup.sql.
  7. Run acuparse console then execute mv /var/opt/acuparse/backups/config.php.migrate /opt/acuparse/src/usr/config.php.
  8. Visit your Acuparse site in the browser to complete the upgrade process.