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Acuparse Docker Installation Guide

Docker Pulls

The Acuparse container itself does NOT contain a local database. Use acuparse/mariadb for best compatibility.

The Acuparse container image is available via Docker Hub (acuparse/acuparse) as well as the GitLab Container Registry ( A docker-compose file and a convenient helper script are available from the Acuparse repo and are the only supported method of running Acuparse in containers. See below for automatic and manual install instructions.

The Acuparse image includes the Acuparse application and web server. The Acuparse image does not include a database. The included docker-compose file will run a Mariadb database image (acuparse/mariadb). If you do not use the compose file, you'll need to arrange to run a database and give the Acuparse container access to it. The compose file will make Acuparse available on port 80 and 443 of the host system. A self-signed certificate will be used for https but Let's Encrypt can be enabled when needed.

Docker Compose

Use Docker Compose to run Acuparse in production. A script is available to set up your host.


Automated Installation

  • Download the installer.

    curl -O
  • Run the installer

    • On a fresh Ubuntu/Debian system without Docker or Compose
    sudo bash install_docker full | tee ~/acuparse.log
    • On an existing system with Docker installed but not Compose
    sudo bash install_docker compose | tee ~/acuparse.log
    • On an existing system with Docker and Compose installed.

      • MacOS users should install Docker and Compose manually, then run the command below.
      sudo bash install_docker | tee ~/acuparse.log
  • Add your user to the Docker group

    sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER


The installer attempts to configure your environment variables automatically. Confirm your configuration variables are set properly in /opt/acuparse/acuparse.env. Also, ensure your TZ variable is set.

Manual Installation

Install Docker and Docker Compose on your system before continuing.

  • Get Docker
  • Get Docker Compose

  • Download and install the Acuparse compose files to /opt/acuparse/.

    curl '' -o`

You MUST edit the acuparse.env file to set your SQL password and Timezone before use!

If you are using a custom environment, ensure at the very least, you set the variables from acuparse.env in your config:

SSL Certificates

Acuparse includes a snake oil cert in the container that is fine for most uses. If you require a valid certficate, you can enable Let's Encrypt using environment variables outlined in the template above.


The Acuparse APP container will listen on ports 80 and 443 by default. The AcuRite Access needs to send data to port 443 and this cannot be changed. If you have multiple containers and ports in use, suggest running a load balancer to route traffic to your container.

Helper Script

A script is installed automatically to help assist with running your containers. If you installed the Docker Compose files manually, copy the script to /usr/local/bin.

mv acuparse /usr/local/bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/acuparse


acuparse start


acuparse restart


acuparse stop

To REMOVE ALL DATA and start over

acuparse destroy



Also updates the run script and the docker-compose config.

sudo acuparse update

To update Docker Compose, run the update above, then run

sudo acuparse update_compose


acuparse logs



acuparse console


acuparse dbconsole


acuparse status


You must configure volumes for your SQL database, or it will be lost on container restart.

The default compose file will do this for you.

Local Bind Mounts

The following mounts are created in /opt/acuparse/volumes

  • /opt/acuparse/volumes/webcam
    • Copy your webcam images to this directory for use in Acuparse.
    • See Webcam details below
  • /opt/acuparse/volumes/backups
    • Acuparse Config and Database backups.
    • Also, mounted to the Database and App containers; if you need to perform a restore.
    • This directory should not be used to store user files; aside from the backup tasks.
      • The backup task will clear all files in this directory.

Docker Volumes

  • acuparse_config
    • Holds your configuration data.
  • acuparse_ssl
    • Contains any Let's Encrypt Certificates.


When using a webcam with Acuparse, run the webcam script on the docker host. Then copy the images to /opt/acuparse/volumes/webcam and update the default location in your config.env.

The container is not setup to run the webcam scripts directly or be accessed via SSH.

You can download the webcam scripts as a


For sending outbound email, using mailgun is the recommended option.

The Docker image has support for Nullmailer, if you need to use a custom SMTP server.

Configure Nullmailer in your acuparse.env file.

# Enable SMTP Relay?

# SMTP Smarthost
# GMAIL = smtp --port=587 --auth-login --user=<GMAIL_ADDRESS> --pass=<GMAIL_PASSWORD> --starttls
SMTP_HOST='mail smtp'

If you don't have a local SMTP server, you can add one to your docker compose config.

Example using namshi/smtp.

    image: namshi/smtp
    restart: always


The automated backup script will run once daily and save backups to /opt/acuparse/volumes/backups on your host.

Backup files are kept for 7 days by default and can be changed by modifying KEEP_BACKUPS_FOR in your acuparse.env file. You can also disable backups by setting BACKUPS_ENABLED=0 in acuparse.env.

Restore Database

Connect to your acuparse console and extract the archive

tar -xvf /var/opt/acuparse/backups/<BACKUPDATE>.tar.gz

Then connect to your acuparse dbconsole and restore your database

mysql -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD acuparse < mysql.sql

Restore Config File

Connect to your acuparse console and extract the archive located in tar -xvf /var/opt/acuparse/backups/<BACKUPDATE>.tar.gz.

Copy your config file back cp config.php /opt/acuparse/src/usr/config.php

Legacy Images

Besides the latest image built on Debian Bullseye, Acuparse also ships a Debian Buster image for backwards compatability.

To use this image, set your Acuparse Container image in your compose file to

  • acuparse/acuparse:buster or acuparse/acuparse:<VERSION>-buster